Nikita vs. Talia Preview video is available only for logged members.

Nikita | 23

Height: 5'9" (178 cm)
Weight: 137 lbs (62 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Nude, Topless, Trib, Erotic

Nikita's Videos
Nikita cz CZ

Talia | 25

Height: 5'9" (178 cm)
Weight: 143 lbs (65 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Nude, Topless, Trib, Erotic

Talia's Videos
Talia cz CZ

Rating: 4,1/5 (10 votes)

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Duration: 22:52
Size: 2,6 GB

19 EUR

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Duration: 22:52
Size: 1,01 GB

14 EUR

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Nikita vs. Talia
Nikita vs. Talia
Nikita vs. Talia
Nikita vs. Talia
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Nikita vs. Talia Comments | 2

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2023-04-11 02:31:34
I have to agree with triblover - potential to be a great video with a great match-up but ruined by the camera work. I understand for whatever reason the girls couldn't / wouldn't kiss, but for the camera to pan down every 10 seconds and miss most of the action, I would rather they didn't pretend to kiss so that we coule see their facial expressions more.

2023-04-10 00:58:47
Entschundigung, das ich sowas sagen muss, aber die schlechte Kameraführung hat einen fantastischen tribfight zerstört. Einige sehr interessante Gesichtsausdrücke sind nicht im Bild und die Perspektive ich oft sehr unübersichtlich (zu dicht). Ich hatte mich sehr auf dieses Duell gefreut. Sehr schade.
Sorry to say this, but the bad camera work ruined a fantastic tribfight. Some very interesting facial expressions are not in the picture and the perspective I often very confusing (too close). I was really looking forward to this duel. A real pity.

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