Monique vs. Zamira Preview video is available only for logged members.

Monique | 35

Height: 5'9" (174 cm)
Weight: 143 lbs (65 kg)
Wrestling, Topless, Nude, Trib, Erotic, Mixed

Monique's Videos
Monique cz CZ

Zamira | 38

Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight: 117 lbs (53 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Topless, Nude, Trib, Erotic, Mixed

Zamira's Videos
Zamira cz CZ

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Monique vs. Zamira
Monique vs. Zamira
Monique vs. Zamira
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Monique vs. Zamira Comments | 1

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2013-03-21 06:40:11
This week's update is a HOT and INTERESTING Surprise: an Experimental Kind of Video with a GREAT and Intriguing plot that had as it's superstar Two of THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FIGHTERS, Monique and Zamira!
Honestly, even if the kind of video is more a soft Trib Only Sex, I found it very HOT and Exciting to watch from the beginning to the end thanks to great idea behind it of making it a sort of mysterious Trib Triller movie that has more than One Happy ending :-P for both girls.
I was a little disappointed about two of three little things but as always are very personal considerations, since I love more Hard Sexfight matches with a lot of action other than Trib, but this doesn't mean that this video is INCREDIBLY GOOD AND HOT!
The TRIB-DOLLS Dream Team did it again and always BETTER with OUTStANDING QUALITY ;-) And I'm happy that two of the most Beautiful Trib Fighters were the stars of such and interesting experiment ;-)
But now let's dive in and see what happens.. WITHOUT SPOILERS ;-)

As I wrote this match is very Intriguing Trib Thriller more than a Classic Sexfight and the plot is VERY VERY HOT!
Our two Beautiful and SUPER HOT Girls come back at home and find a very strange and mysterious letter with their names and inside the letter is written that "someone" sent them the rules and they agreed to participate to a very simple game: do everything that they are asked to through text messages that our mysterious overseer will send them.
So they wait for the firsts messages and when they arrive the instructions are very clear: they must play in sexy poses and do a striptease. After that, the phones stops to ring and the girls decide to keep on drinking their coffee, but one of them spills accidentally some coffee on the table and then they decide to go and do some dish washing and cleaning.
After a little bit of dish wash and ass to ass cleaning the phones rings and the third essays arrives and even if the girl doesn't read it's content, the request is very clear: they have to Trib! ;-)
So the Trib Action starts and goes straight till the end, with some Incredibly Hot positions and HOT Orgasms :-O
This video was really ONLY about Trib Sex, not having any kind of competition or other action during the Trib.. it was more focused on two girls having VERY Hot Trib Sex together so is hard to say if in the end there was a clear winner, even if there were some GREAT Orgasms but competition and rivalry wasn't part of this story.
Personally I found it VERY VERY Hot to watch thanks to GREAT passion that the girl put into the Trib (as they always do), The STUNNING AND FANTASTIC POSITIONS the girls Tribbed Into and I like also the very particular and experiential plot.
Not really my kind, but I would recommend it anyway thanks to these HOT Strong Points ;-)

Trib was really the Only action here, but it was as always at IT'S BEST AND SUPER TOP QUALITY ;-)
As I said a thousand of times both girls are two of the BEST and HOTTEST Fighters here and they really went wild during this match about Trib Positions. Reaching some incredible Orgasms while having Trib in both front and doggy positions. I loved also the Great Leg to Pussy Tribbing and the Hot Tit Bouncing that one of the girls had during her Tribs on the bed, you will be HYPNOTIZED ;-)
SUPER SPECIAL PRAISE goes to the Upside down Trib Position the girls had on the edge of the bed and a fantastic Tit Pussy Rubbing and Trib that was present in both the end and during the match.
As I wrote there was only Trib Sex, without any real competition between the girls going on, so tho was more about passion and love (if you pass me the terms) and talking about a winner isn't very appropriate because both girls had some GREAT Orgasms and they were both interested in having some HOT and Exciting Sex, without trying to dominate the other one and submit the opponent.
Probably this, with the lack of other kind of action beside Trib, were my only disappoints but the Trib Action is fantastic so this match deserves a VERY Long and Double Watch ;-)
In One Word: TRIBSEX!

OTHER THAN TRIB ACTION (Fingering, Masturbation, Kissing etc):
Being Trib Only, nothing else happened here but I would love to spend some words about VERY VERY Personal Observation based on my tastes: the Plot Idea was HOT!
Having the girls spied and being part of a mysterious "simon says" game (like the third movie of the Die Hard Trilogy :-P) was a VERY HOT and FANTASTIC IDEA :-O
The beginning was incredibly EXCITING and Intriguing, the build up and imagining what could happen in the next message was HEART PUMPING but I was disappointed when it was clear that the third and last message had the only instruction to the girls to have some soft ad passionate Trib Sex.
Of course I don't want to discuss and or argue about any other Tribfan's tastes and I really respect every opinion even if it totally opposite to mine (and that's why I love to share ideas on this GREAT Community ;-) ), but for me it was disappointing to not see a fourth message come after and that's how I would've imagined it: after some passionate and hot Trib Sex with some Great Orgasms, the Fourth messages arrives and the request is to go Fight, or the be more clear, SEXFIGHT to prove which girls is the best and the clear winner of the game ;-)
And of course the girls should've used any kind of Weapon to submit their opponent, from Very Hard Trib to Very Hard Finger Fucking, Deep Oral and anything that could make the opponent Scream while losing control and squirming in Multiple Wet Orgasms!
I really really missed a lot the competition factor here along with some other Harder Action.. but once again as I said I respect each one's tastes and I just wanted t offer my very personal opinion about a Great Idea that I hope to see again in the future, but with some very Hard ACtion and More Variety, having one of the girl stand in her victory pose and the other one with her pussy totally covered in juices and still cumming after any kind of HOT Sexual Stimulation between her legs.

Monique and Zamira were the SUPREME STARS of this Great Trib Thriller!
Both played their roles in a very natural and fantastic way in the beginning plot and then they put all their hot passion and lust into the Trib Sex part, also if I noticed that both girls at certain moments were incredibly excited but had to hold themselves from starting to masturbate and finger fuck too, really the excitement was incredibly high and both girls haves a VERY VERY HIGH and STROND DEGREE of Passion and Lust Power.. Trib wasn't enough for both and one of them, during the one of her later matches, proved to be also VERY VERY WILD if pushed in the right way and teased in the right spots ;-)
If the girls only had the chance to go wilder and masturbate more with some hard fingering and deep oral, probably this match would've been one of the most explosives and HOT :-O
Monique, Monique what can I say about you? Monique is my SUPER OVER THE TOP N1 among all the girls, she is really the proof that dreams can become reality (being her the essence of true beauty and a dream herself).. every time I see Monique in a match I buy it automatically, I could watch her BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL, GORGEOUS AND SHINING EYES FOREVER! Really Monique than you for all you the GREAT PASSION you bring in every match and THANK YOU FOR BEING REAL!
Princess Zamira you always leave me speechless ;-) In every match you had something incredible happened to both you or your opponents and you are really one of THE MOST FEARED AND STRONGER Fighters now. I Love your INTRIGUING EYES AND BEAUTIFUL SMILE WITH ALL YOUR SUPER HOT AND SEXY ELEGANCE, you are really special and I can't wait to see you again, but in a more Competitive and SUPER HARD Sexfight to see how Stronger you are now ;-)
Also here let me say and repeat: I was really disappointed to see the TWO MOST BEAUTIFUL TRIB FIGHTERS having their First Match together, but without any kind of competition, fight and Hard Action.. the TRIB WAS HOT but I hope next time to see them together for an explosive Fight that will have ONLY ONE SUPREME WINNER and A VERY WET, SQUIRMING AND STILL CUMMING LOSER ;-)

I loved the particular and experimental plot idea but I really missed some serious competition and Hard Sexfight with all the variety of Hard Actions of the later videos in a match that featured for the first time together Monique and Zamira.
This was a Very HOT Experiment, but as a personal opinion: Next Time I hope to see more HARD Variety of Action and some Serious Competition ;-)

VOTE 6 + 1/10:
As Always, in full respect, all the opinions up here are VERY PERSONAL and based on my tastes ;-)
The match is Incredibly Good and The TRIB IS ALWAYS AT THE TOP!
But for my kind of tastes: I missed the "Fight, Submit and CUM CUM CUM in every possible way" factor.. what I loved about all the latest matches was the INCREDIBLE and HOT variety of Action that goes from Fingering (my favorite), Masturbation, Oral and Kissing. I Really missed all this too here, so that's the real reason of the 6.
ABout the +1: is all DEDICATED TO THE GIRLS ;-)

Hey THE VIDEO QUALITY HAS INCREDIBLY INCREASED!!! :-O I normally watch the matches on a laptop, but when I have the occasion I watch them on a Full HD TV and I have to say.. Wow, this one was GREAT ;-)
Anyone else noticed it?
Also the New Graphics are VERY COOL!!!!